Accept/Reject Claim

Once a claim has been submitted, it will be picked up by the Compensator who will decide whether to accept the claim and complete their first response, pass the claim on to another branch or user or reject it for a given reason.  The Compensator can also attach and upload relevant files to the claim.

ALB’s scheduler monitors the status of submitted claims and picks up and downloads any change in status, the response and any attachments automatically once the compensators have posted them on the portal. 

When the Compensator has accepted a claim, a notification is sent back to ALB which is added under the Status tab confirming the acceptance of the claim.

The Compensator also has the option of re-assigning or re-allocating the claim, rejecting it or stating it as fraud.

Whatever the response, the status will update in the Key Case Details section in the top-right corner of the screen and, if ALB has been set up for it, fee earners will be notified by a message or email.

Any attachments will display under the Status tab with the following information:

The attachment can also be found under the Documents tab. It can be opened from either tab.

If the claim has been rejected, it can be re submitted with amended data to back up the claim or with another insurer selected, see Resubmit a Claim.